Thursday, February 27, 2025

Into The Gravel Pit (2025)


Pass the joint..
Pass the blunt..
Pass the pill .
Pass the substance...
Pass the truth...
Pass your doom....

Friends who go on "trips" together, stay together...

The plot treads carefully with a WTF or OMG moment that ensues. The shock value comes out of nowhere. 

Lisa Wilcox reprises her maternal role, bringing familiarity to Horror Fans. The emotional depth she brings to her performance, demonstrates the love and heartbreak only a Mother could feel. The narrative is unsettling, weighing on the emotional turmoil Lisa Wilcox's character is undergoing. The entire supporting cast delivers a powerful and emotional performance, which convey a very important message:

Just ..



10/10 rating!

Saturday, February 1, 2025

My Dear Debbie Doe Eyes

The local tavern on Fawn Drive was where it all began. Jackson Sinclair, 30, had only wanted a drink that evening. The tavern was nestled deep in the wilderness, hidden away from the bustling world. Deer roamed freely in the surrounding woods, their graceful movements adding an almost theatrical touch to the secluded setting. Inside, the tavern exuded a nostalgic charm. The smell of aged pine lingered in the air, mingling with the soft hum of a jazz tune playing from an old jukebox. Dim lighting cast shadows along the wood-paneled walls, and the mounted deer head above the bar seemed to watch over every patron, its glassy, muddled eyes unrelenting. Jackson hadn’t planned to stop there. In fact, he didn’t even know why he’d taken that route. But something—some pull he couldn’t explain—had brought him to this place.

 And that’s when he saw her. Debbie sat alone at the bar, her dark green dress clinging to her lean, slender figure. Her long, flowing brown hair with golden streaks framed an angelic face. But it was her eyes—those wide, bold, mesmerizing doe eyes—that truly stopped Jackson in his tracks. “Is this seat taken?” Debbie asked, her voice soft yet inviting. “Not anymore,” Jackson replied, his lips curving into a small smile. 

 From that moment, everything changed. Their conversation flowed effortlessly, and by the end of the night, Jackson knew he’d met someone extraordinary. Within months, they were married. At their wedding, Jackson whispered, “My Dear Debbie Doe Eyes, I’ll love you forever.” It became their thing, a phrase Jackson used so often it felt like a spell he couldn’t help but utter. Their first year of marriage was idyllic. Debbie’s eyes lit up Jackson’s world, and her laugh was a melody he couldn’t live without. No matter where they went—be it a quaint cabin or a bustling city—it was never about the destination. It was only about being with her.

 “You make everywhere feel like home,” Jackson once told her during a quiet walk on the beach. Debbie had laughed, her doe eyes glinting in the sunlight. “And you make me feel like I belong, but you are going to burn a hole through me if you keep staring into my eyes like that "! 

 "But you are my Dear Debbie Doe Eyes ", Jackson laughed right back. Jackson found himself captivated by her every glance, every movement. Life felt perfect, like a dream he never wanted to wake from. 

 But dreams always end. One evening, a simple disagreement spiraled into their first real argument. It was about money—a common fight, but one that carried weight. Debbie had grown frustrated with Jackson’s spending, especially after he purchased an expensive tie when his car needed repairs. “It was just a tie!” Jackson snapped, his voice rising. “Why do you always blow things out of proportion?” Debbie’s doe eyes darkened with hurt, and she took a step back. “I’m trying to keep us afloat, Jackson. But you just don’t care, do you?” In a flash of frustration, Jackson punched the wall, the sound echoing through their home. Silence fell between them. Debbie stared at the hole in the wall, her doe eyes no longer sparkling. They were filled with sadness and betrayal. Jackson’s heart sank. “I’m so sorry, my love,” he whispered, stepping toward her. “I didn’t mean it. Please, let’s fix this.” Debbie shook her head, tears streaming down her face. “Please don’t touch me,” she said softly. “I need to go for a drive and clear my head.” She grabbed her coat and left, leaving Jackson standing in stunned silence. Jackson waited all night, calling her repeatedly. Each call went to voicemail, and by 3 a.m., her phone was dead. 

 Then came the knock at the door. Jackson opened it to find two police officers standing on his porch, their faces grim. “Mr. Sinclair,” one said, “may we come in?” Jackson’s heart pounded as fragments of their words filtered through his shock:

 Fawn Drive. Tavern. Hit by a car. Dead. 

 The world blurred around him. His Dear Debbie Doe Eyes was gone. 

 A month after the funeral, Jackson was a broken man. Grief consumed him, and he found himself spiraling. One evening, desperate for escape, he decided to drive to the liquor store. 

 As he drove, the familiar streets transformed. Houses and streetlights vanished, replaced by an endless stretch of trees. Ahead, the road sign read Fawn Drive. Jackson’s stomach twisted as he saw the tavern emerge from the shadows. “This can’t be happening,” he muttered, sweat beading on his forehead. 

 Then he saw it—a lifeless deer lying on the shoulder of the road. “Oh my God,” Jackson whispered. He stopped the car and approached the animal. As he knelt beside it, the deer opened its eyes. 

 “Please, Jackson, my love. Please,” it whispered in Debbie’s voice. 

 Jackson’s breath hitched as tears streamed down his face. 

“Debbie? I’m so sorry, my love. Please come back to me. We can fix this—together.” 

 The deer’s eyes darkened, swirling like pools of shadow, and it let out a guttural, unearthly moan. Jackson screamed as the world went black.

 Jackson woke drenched in sweat, his body trembling. He raced to the bathroom, but when he opened the door, he wasn’t in his home anymore. He was back at the tavern. A bunch of female patrons were sitting at the bar with their backs turned. 

 The deer head on the wall seemed alive, its muddled eyes fixed on him. 

 Then he saw her amongst the rest of the patrons. Debbie, in her dark green dress, walked toward him, her doe eyes glistening. 

 “Do you want to dance?” she asked. 

 “Yes,” Jackson whispered, his voice breaking. 

He pulled her close as the jukebox came alive with jazz. But as they swayed, everything dissolved into darkness. 

 Jackson woke again, this time in his bed. Debbie lay beside him. 

 “It was just a dream,” he muttered. "Oh my God honey, I had the most insane nightmare!" 

 But as Debbie sat up, she didn’t look at him. She got out of bed, wearing the green dress from his nightmare. Jackson followed her, his fear mounting as he noticed hoofprints on the carpet. In the bathroom mirror, a diabolical deer stared back at him. The door slammed shut, and when Jackson turned, he was back at the tavern. The women he’d seen earlier turned toward him. They were all Debbie. The deer head roared as the Debbies morphed into deer, their bodies elongating, hooves ripping through their dresses. They surrounded Jackson, their glowing eyes locking onto him.

 Jackson woke up screaming. There were deer guarding his bedside. One deer approached Jackson and whispered in Debbie's voice.

 “You will always belong to us, Jackson"..

***Fictional Story Written By Zainab Ali***

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Flight Of Stairs

Flight of Stairs

Susie's bedroom was a typical girl's room. Stuffed animals on one shelf, books on the other. Pictures of her and her boyfriend hanging on her walls. Her bedroom walls had a faint lavender tone. Even at 25 Susie would always be a little girl at heart. She felt the safest in her bedroom. She got all the privacy in the world, nobody to bother her. Plus it was her safe haven from the big bad world as she liked to call it. There were so many bad things going on in the world but none of it would affect Susie as long as she was in her little bedroom. After work, Susie couldn't wait to go home and get under the covers all tucked safely in bed. Her and her boyfriend Joe also spent a good majority of their time watching movies in her bedroom. Susie was grateful for that little safe space she had. 

At 11:30 P.M. Susie stepped out of her room to go downstairs to the kitchen to make a hot cup of cocoa. She was getting ready to watch a movie. After she made her cocoa, she walked right to her bedroom and opened the door. Susie dropped her cocoa and gasped. Her bedroom had changed! The walls were black. No pictures hanging on the wall. No stuffed toys. No TV. No bed. No nothing! It was just an empty room Susie entered. "How could this be?" she thought panic struck. "I'm imagining this. I'm probably dreaming". Susie makes hot cocoa all the time. And today of all days, in just a very brief moment, her bedroom changed! She stepped out of her safe haven for less than ten minutes and got back and now nothing was the same. Susie felt confused and scared. There had to be an explanation but there was none that she could see. The room was a dark silent room. To the right corner, Susie saw a door. But that was impossible. Susie did not have a door that led outside. She felt the need to approach the door and open it but was so afraid of what could have been behind the door that she wanted to resist. She turned around and tried to run out of the room to the hallway of the house, but that door was gone! The only door that was left was the new one Susie was afraid to open. But if she didn't open the door then she would be trapped. Trapped in this eerie and silent room. 

"HELP!" Susie cried out. 

"Mom, Dad, HELP ME!". Nobody came to her rescue. Susie walked to the door and put her ear against it. She didn't hear anything. Her heart was racing so fast to the point where she felt it was going to burst right out of her chest. She opened the door. All she saw was a flight of stairs. 

A very long flight of stairs leading up. Susie was confused. "Now I know I have to be dreaming", she thought. She walked up the dark lit stairs. It was a never ending stair case. But where did it lead to? Was it going to lead to somewhere safe? Susie looked behind her and the staircase going back down was so dark like a black hole that she was afraid if she lost her balance, she would fall right in. The stair case would swallow her whole. She continued to walk up. And up. And up. Going back down was no option now. It was as though with every step she took, the previous step was chipping away. Her room was now a distant image in her mind. She no longer felt safe. She had a gut wrenching feeling that she may never see her room again. 

She continued to walk up. And up. And up.After a long travel up the flight of stairs in what it seemed like slow motion, Susie finally found a door. She was so hesitant to open this door too for she had no clue what could be behind this door, but she could not go back down. The flight of stairs will eat her alive. Susie opened the door and there was a hallway. The hallway had doors. It looked like she was in a someone's house. It was a nice looking carpeted hallway. 

Susie heard screaming coming from one of the doors. She shrieked so hard but unable to scream herself. "STOP! PLEASE"! Susie heard cries of what sounded like a young woman who was being attacked. Susie ran towards the door where she heard the screams from and saw the door was open a crack. A woman was being bludgeoned to death by a crazy mad man. And Susie was watching it happen! She stood there in shock and unable to move. But the man and woman in the room did not even acknowledge her presence. It's like she was watching a movie but up close and personal. Susie looked back and headed out the door. The room diagonal from that room where the woman was being attacked, Susie saw a German Shepherd. It was whimpering as though it was wounded. Susie tried to walk towards the dog in the other room and saw the dog's fur was matted in blood. The dog was sitting in a blood bath. There was a man lying next to the dog dead! It was THAT same man who attacked THAT woman in the other room! Susie let out a scream finally. She tried to run back as hard as she could. She ran towards the same door in which she came in through the flight of dark stairs, opened it, and started screaming. The stairs opened up and Susie was falling in. Like a black hole, she was getting swallowed in.

At 12:30 A.M., Susie woke up in a bed at the local county hospital. The doctor came over to her and put his hand on her head and smiled. "You had one helluva nasty fall there kiddo. You have some broken ribs and a bad concussion. But it could have been worse. You are lucky you did not break your neck with the kind of trip you had. Maybe next time you won't leave things lying on the stair case for you to trip over." Susie was so groggy  but still remembered her dream. 

In her dream she didn't fall down the stairs, she was being eaten alive by the stairs. It was so dark and so vivid. Then she heard doctors yelling down the hallway that caused her to jump right out of her drugged up state. They sounded panic struck. From her bed, Susie saw right outside her hospital room. She saw doctors frantically transporting away a woman who had been through a very horrific accident. Susie all of a sudden began to feel beads of sweat rolling down her face and her air supply being labored. It was the same woman in her dream who was being bludgeoned the death by that man! The doctor came into Susie's room to check in on her shortly and saw Susie was as white as a ghost. "Is everything ok"? he asked her. 

"I have to get out of here Doctor. Please! That woman...that woman you just wheeled by my room, she was attacked by a crazy man...please Doctor, I am scared", Susie pleaded. The doctor tried to calm Susie down. "There is no need to worry. You just relax now. That man is not going to hurt anybody again. He was a crazy jealous boyfriend who was way too possessive of his girlfriend. She tried to leave him and he wouldn't hear of it. Shortly after he had killed her, the woman's guard dog attacked and killed him."

There was no more mad man on the loose. 

Fictional Story Written By Zainab Ali

Sunday, November 3, 2024

No Silence Please...


No Silence Please...

Mrs. Lane Anderson’s 11th-grade classroom had been her second home for forty years. She’d seen good days and bad, wrangling hormonally unpredictable teenagers. The driven, studious kids aiming for college often became targets of those who pushed boundaries, lacking the same motivation. Handling these dynamics came with the territory.

That night, Mrs. Anderson went to bed hoping for a peaceful sleep—she needed to be in the right headspace for the Algebra test she’d prepared for her often-thankless adolescents.

She drifted into a deep sleep almost instantly. In her dream, she was back in her classroom, facing three former students who should have graduated by now: Patrick, Andrea, and Sean.

“Alright, Patrick, Andrea, Sean—who can tell me how to construct a truth table?” She didn’t know why she’d asked it; it was a random math question, but this was a dream, after all.

The students only stared back at her with an unnerving, blank gaze. Math could be tricky, sure, but the silence felt strange. Their expressions held a deep stillness, almost as if they didn’t see her at all.

“Anyone?” Mrs. Anderson asked, her voice faltering. Still, no answer—just those stares. She woke up abruptly, unnerved. Shrugging it off, she got up, showered, and prepared for the long day ahead.

The day of the Algebra test, the students were restless, and the classroom felt stifling. She tried to ignore her lingering unease. She had to push through; if her students wanted to graduate, they’d have to suffer through this mentally exhausting test.

“Silence, please!” she ordered.

It had been a taxing day. Drained, she collapsed on her sofa at home, too tired to cook. She questioned her career choice—teaching often felt so thankless. Soon, she was asleep again, slipping back into a familiar nightmare.

Once more, she was in her classroom. Patrick, Andrea, and Sean were seated before her.

“Who can tell me where the element mercury is found?” she asked, her voice echoing in the eerie stillness. They stared back, but this time, their eyes were different—deeper, accusatory, laced with something almost vengeful. Mrs. Anderson shivered. Maybe they were here to punish her for failing them when they’d deserved it. These three had been the biggest bullies in their grade, the unruliest of students. Detentions meant nothing to them, but their popularity had made them untouchable.

But now, they were silent, their eyes fixated on her with an intensity that felt otherworldly. Mrs. Anderson turned to write on the board, but when she turned back, she found them standing ominously close to her desk. Frozen in place, her body refused to move. She watched in horror as they marched back to their seats in eerie unison, their eyes never leaving her.

Then, as if slumping into sleep, each of their heads dropped forward. To Mrs. Anderson’s shock, blood began to pool around their desks, slowly spreading across the floor. She jolted awake.

At 6 a.m., Mrs. Anderson shot up, shivering uncontrollably. She’d overslept and couldn’t even remember falling asleep. Only when she glanced at her clock did she realize it was Saturday—not Friday. Yet, she felt an urgent pull to go to her classroom. The nightmares were getting worse.

By 11 a.m., she found herself at the empty school. The building was as silent as a tomb, but she felt compelled to sit in her cold, eerie classroom, staring at each desk. Her thoughts were interrupted when Margaret, one of her former students, entered.

“Why did you call me here, Lane?” Margaret asked.

“Listen, I’ve kept this secret buried for years. But they’re haunting me in my nightmares, every single night.” Mrs. Anderson’s voice was barely a whisper.

Margaret stood casually, her hands behind her back, but her gaze was fixed and serious. “They were supposed to graduate with me two years ago, but they chose a different path.” She looked down, her expression darkening. “Patrick… he humiliated me after prom. Posted things all over social media. I thought he loved me. He told me he did, that prom was going to be our special night.”

Margaret’s voice broke, and she began to sob.

“After that night, he ghosted me. I thought he was going to apologize, but he told me we were ‘too young to commit,’ and that it ‘was for the best.’ Then I saw him in the courtyard, laughing with Sean, like my pain was some kind of malicious game. Andrea even threatened to ‘beat my skull in’ if I so much as looked at him again.” Her voice hardened. “I spent the rest of junior year and all of senior year being slut-shamed by them. They made my life hell. What did I do wrong except love Patrick?”

Mrs. Anderson reached out a hand, her face pained. “I know what they put you through, dear. They were the most unruly students I’ve ever had. There were days I wished…” She trailed off, casting a meaningful look at Margaret before reaching into her desk drawer and pulling out a few newspaper clippings.

"Three 17-Year-Old Students at Myers High School Bludgeoned to Death. Unknown Assailant. Parents Plead for Answers."

“These kids had plenty of enemies,” Mrs. Anderson whispered, waving the printouts. “Taking care of them later threw off any suspicion. Who would ever suspect an honors student and her teacher? But now… they’re haunting me. I don’t know what to do.”

Margaret slowly brought her arms from behind her back, revealing a tire iron—the very weapon used to end Patrick, Andrea, and Sean’s lives.

“Just don’t say a word to the police,” Margaret said coldly. “I wouldn’t want you sharing the same fate as them.”

Mrs. Anderson’s eyes flickered with unease but softened as she looked at her niece. She understood the threat but also the unbreakable bond they shared. Her voice barely a whisper, she replied, “You’re my niece. You know I’ve always got your back.”

--- Fictional Story Written By Zainab Ali ---

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Do Not Face The Wall..

 Riley was an introverted 12-year-old girl with one close best friend, Mackenzie. The two shared a lot in common, including their selective interests and tendency to keep to themselves. One of their favorite activities was watching Infinite Days, a drama featuring the young and charismatic Shane Carrington. Shane played a charming newscaster on the show, his words flowing like a river, and his turquoise eyes seemed to dance with every glance. He was Riley’s first major crush, a man she dreamed of waiting for until she turned 18. She had already planned it out: she would find out where Shane lived and meet him in person.

Every night before bed, Riley scrolled through videos of Shane on her phone, his presence making her feel safe. He didn’t know she existed, but that didn’t matter—one day, she was sure he would. That thought comforted her as she drifted off to sleep.

On Monday morning, Riley’s dad, Thomas, was watching the news as usual. The entertainment segment came on, and Riley was instantly drawn to the screen.

"In Entertainment today: Infinite Days star Shane Carrington celebrates his 25th birthday—"

Before she could hear more, Thomas flipped the channel.

“Dad, what the…?”

“Entertainment news is nonsense,” Thomas muttered, landing on a breaking news report. Annoyed, Riley stormed outside.

That night, Riley struggled to fall asleep. She tried watching videos of Shane again to relax, but something felt off. Her body was hot, and she couldn’t stop sweating. Am I coming down with the flu? she wondered. Despite her exhaustion, sleep came in short, restless bursts.

The following evening, Riley crashed into bed at 9 PM, too tired to care about anything. She had plans with Mackenzie the next day, but tonight, all she wanted was to sleep. She lay down facing the wall, as she always did, and drifted off.

Then the dream started.

A projector-like image appeared on the wall, displaying Shane Carrington in his usual gray suit and black tie. "And in breaking news, a new gummy snack, FANtastic Flavorfuls, has officially launched! The ingredients are so naturally delicious..." Shane smiled, his eyes twinkling as usual. But something felt off. The dream left her with a strange feeling that she couldn’t quite shake when she woke up.

On Saturday, Riley and Mackenzie had plans to go to the movies. At 12:05 PM, Riley called Mackenzie, but there was no answer. She figured Mackenzie had overslept and shrugged it off. As the day went on, however, she tried calling a few more times—still no response.

That night, Riley went to bed around midnight after spending hours browsing Shane’s fan page. She was surprised not to see any birthday pictures, even though the entertainment news had mentioned it.

Facing the wall again, Riley drifted into another dream. The projector-like image reappeared, showing Shane Carrington in his newscaster attire, just like before. But this time, things took a disturbing turn. Shane’s face became more lined, his bright turquoise eyes darkened and turned black—empty, like something sinister had taken over. His smile, once warm, morphed into something horrifying as his white teeth decayed before her eyes, revealing razor-sharp fangs stained with blood.

Riley woke up screaming.

It was Sunday, 7:15 AM. As she gasped for breath, her phone vibrated on the dresser. The caller ID read "Mackenzie BFF." Finally. Riley answered.

“Hey, Ri, I’m sooo sorry about yesterday. I got caught up with stuff. Can you come over now?”

Riley thought it was odd that Mackenzie wanted her to come over so early—especially before breakfast. But she figured maybe something had come up, so she agreed to go.

“Hey, Dad, I’m going to Mackenzie’s,” Riley called out. Thomas barely looked up from the television.

"Breaking News," the anchor said. “Three adolescent girls have been reported missing following a Shane Carrington meet-and-greet in New York City."

Riley froze in horror as Mackenzie’s face flashed on the screen. Thomas remained glued to the TV, unaware of his daughter’s panic. Heart racing, Riley called Mackenzie again, but there was no answer. Without telling her father, she ran out of the house and headed to Mackenzie’s place.

The front door was unlocked. Riley stepped inside, calling out her friend’s name. As she entered the living room, her blood ran cold.

Mackenzie was lying in a pool of blood, lifeless.

Before she could process the horror, Shane Carrington appeared, wearing his signature newscaster suit. “Don’t you know by now, Riley?” he said, flashing a smile. “You know how much my fans mean to me.” He held up a packet of FANtastic Flavorfuls, pulling out a single gummy candy. Blood oozed from his mouth as he ate it.

“I think you know now, Riley...”

Riley woke up screaming, drenched in sweat. Was it a dream? A nightmare? It had to be... didn’t it?

Terrified, she stumbled into the living room where her father was still watching the news.

“Dad?” she whispered, tapping his shoulder.

His head fell back.

His throat was slit.

Riley ran out of the house screaming and screaming.

Fictional Story Written By Zainab Ali..

Monday, August 12, 2024

No Wrong Number

 Lucy, a widowed woman in her 60's, lived in a charming Colonial Style condominium, she had shared with her late husband Michael. The house was beautifully and meticulously maintained, with photographs of her and Michael adorning each wall--a testament to their life together..

Every morning at 6 A.M., Lucy begins her day with juice, a muffin and a walk- one of the many things she enjoyed doing with Michael. As she was about to head out, Lucy gets a phone call that started her. The Caller ID displayed an Upstate NY number, a number she did not recognize. "Hmm, weird. Who would be calling me from Upstate NY at this early hour"?, Lucy wondered.

She answered the phone.


There was a brief pause.


Lucy was about to hang up, when a voice finally answered.

"Hi, I'm so sorry to bother you this early in the morning. "

"It's OK", Lucy replied. "But who is this"?

The woman hesitated before replying. "I know this might sound strange, but I actually had a dream about your number. It was so vivid so I curiously contacted it", the woman chuckled. Lucy too chucked, at the oddity of it, but she was eager to get her morning walk out of the way, so she politely tried to conclude the conversation.

"Well, thank you, but I need to get going now", Lucy told the woman.

"Of course, you enjoy the rest of your day and once again, I am sorry for disturbing you". 

Lucy stepped outside, and saw the bright and sunny sky had turned grim and ominous as though a storm was imminent. Despite the unsettling weather, Lucy went on for her walk.

As she walked through her neighborhood, memories of Michael flooded Lucy's mind. She recalled the joyful times they shared, holding hands when going for a walk, their romantic getaways, or just watching movies at home. They had one final trip to Lake George, NY. It was their last trip as a couple. 

Lake George was one of Lucy's favorite retreats, due to its quaint and serene atmosphere. The Bed and Breakfast Inns they stayed at, was nestled in the peace and beauty of the Adirondacks. Lake George had become such a frequent great escape, Michael considered it a second home. He always told Lucy how much he wanted to leave Long Island and move to Upstate NY, where there was sentimental value. 

As Lucy continued walking, the memories of Michael felt strangely vivid, almost as though she was reliving the same exact scenario all over again. Her thoughts were interrupted by a loud roaring thunder, as the sky opened up and unleashed a terrential rain storm. Lucy hurried back to her house and ran inside. 

Once inside, Lucy grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator, and rested on the sofa. She turned on the television to watch some of her favorite Soap Operas, trying to distract herself from the dark and nasty weather. Midway through the episode, a breaking news report interrupts the program. 

"Police are still searching for the Long Island man who", the Reporter began. But Lucy did not want to hear the news because she hated its negative dominant effect. She turned off the television and went upstairs to take a nap.

A couple of hours later, around 3 P.M., Lucy's phone rings. She looks at the Caller ID and sees her friend Carla's number. It was still dark and rainy out, but Lucy needed a positive distraction by talking to her close friend. 

"Hi Carla"!

Midway through their conversation, Lucy's phone began beeping and emitting static, drowning out Carla's voice. Lucy glanced at her phone but there was no incoming call on the Caller ID. How is my phone having issues all of a sudden, Lucy thought. "Car, are you there??" 



She tried to hang up the phone so she can redial Carla's number, but the static got louder and louder and the beeping noise persisted. Lucy felt her apprehension grow. Amid the crackling noises, Lucy suddenly heard a voice-familiar, yet more distinct than the static. 

"Hello Lucy, I called you earlier before. I am the same woman who had a dream about your phone number. I am calling you again because it is imperative that I speak with you. Please, this is not a prank. I'm calling from...."

Lucy dropped the phone, her face drained of color, and her heart palpitating. The static continued, mingling with the woman's voice, filling the house with an eerie presence. 

Lucy let out a terrified shriek as the television turned on by itself...

It was the news...

::Reporter:- "A 64 year old Long Island resident, Michael Bailey, and an unidentified female, were found dead in a vacation cabin in Lake George, NY. Michael Bailey's throat was slit and the unidentified female's body was horrifically dismembered and decomposed. The police believe this heinous murder was motivated by revenge"...

The television had turned off as abruptly as it had turned on. Lucy stood in her living room, frozen with terror. She could not catch her breath. Her phone was still lying on the floor, with a fresh crack in the screen, emitting the woman's voice into the now chilling silence...

"Lucy, I really need you to answer me now. This is about Michael. I've been trying to reach out to you for the past two months so I can explain everything. You see, I didn't know. He never told me. When he finally did, he told me he was planning on getting a divorce from you, leaving you the house, and relocating to Lake George to be with me. I'm so sorry you had to find out this way.. I am so very terribly sorr----"...

Lucy let out a harrowing scream as she stomped on her phone, while screaming, screaming, and screaming. 

Fictional Story Written By Zainab Ali 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

FEAR , Forget My Name (2024)


Something sinister is on the prowl in the very same city that you reside in. It follows and follows and follows. And you want to run away but should you really try to run? Because what if a certain someone you know is in peril from some very bad people? Should you try to run then or conquer your own fear?? 

Alex Bram delivers a unique Film Noir concept with stellar performances by the cast and musical talent, while setting a very daring tone implementing rock choreography. 

10/10 Rating