Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Do Not Face The Wall..

 Riley was an introverted 12-year-old girl with one close best friend, Mackenzie. The two shared a lot in common, including their selective interests and tendency to keep to themselves. One of their favorite activities was watching Infinite Days, a drama featuring the young and charismatic Shane Carrington. Shane played a charming newscaster on the show, his words flowing like a river, and his turquoise eyes seemed to dance with every glance. He was Riley’s first major crush, a man she dreamed of waiting for until she turned 18. She had already planned it out: she would find out where Shane lived and meet him in person.

Every night before bed, Riley scrolled through videos of Shane on her phone, his presence making her feel safe. He didn’t know she existed, but that didn’t matter—one day, she was sure he would. That thought comforted her as she drifted off to sleep.

On Monday morning, Riley’s dad, Thomas, was watching the news as usual. The entertainment segment came on, and Riley was instantly drawn to the screen.

"In Entertainment today: Infinite Days star Shane Carrington celebrates his 25th birthday—"

Before she could hear more, Thomas flipped the channel.

“Dad, what the…?”

“Entertainment news is nonsense,” Thomas muttered, landing on a breaking news report. Annoyed, Riley stormed outside.

That night, Riley struggled to fall asleep. She tried watching videos of Shane again to relax, but something felt off. Her body was hot, and she couldn’t stop sweating. Am I coming down with the flu? she wondered. Despite her exhaustion, sleep came in short, restless bursts.

The following evening, Riley crashed into bed at 9 PM, too tired to care about anything. She had plans with Mackenzie the next day, but tonight, all she wanted was to sleep. She lay down facing the wall, as she always did, and drifted off.

Then the dream started.

A projector-like image appeared on the wall, displaying Shane Carrington in his usual gray suit and black tie. "And in breaking news, a new gummy snack, FANtastic Flavorfuls, has officially launched! The ingredients are so naturally delicious..." Shane smiled, his eyes twinkling as usual. But something felt off. The dream left her with a strange feeling that she couldn’t quite shake when she woke up.

On Saturday, Riley and Mackenzie had plans to go to the movies. At 12:05 PM, Riley called Mackenzie, but there was no answer. She figured Mackenzie had overslept and shrugged it off. As the day went on, however, she tried calling a few more times—still no response.

That night, Riley went to bed around midnight after spending hours browsing Shane’s fan page. She was surprised not to see any birthday pictures, even though the entertainment news had mentioned it.

Facing the wall again, Riley drifted into another dream. The projector-like image reappeared, showing Shane Carrington in his newscaster attire, just like before. But this time, things took a disturbing turn. Shane’s face became more lined, his bright turquoise eyes darkened and turned black—empty, like something sinister had taken over. His smile, once warm, morphed into something horrifying as his white teeth decayed before her eyes, revealing razor-sharp fangs stained with blood.

Riley woke up screaming.

It was Sunday, 7:15 AM. As she gasped for breath, her phone vibrated on the dresser. The caller ID read "Mackenzie BFF." Finally. Riley answered.

“Hey, Ri, I’m sooo sorry about yesterday. I got caught up with stuff. Can you come over now?”

Riley thought it was odd that Mackenzie wanted her to come over so early—especially before breakfast. But she figured maybe something had come up, so she agreed to go.

“Hey, Dad, I’m going to Mackenzie’s,” Riley called out. Thomas barely looked up from the television.

"Breaking News," the anchor said. “Three adolescent girls have been reported missing following a Shane Carrington meet-and-greet in New York City."

Riley froze in horror as Mackenzie’s face flashed on the screen. Thomas remained glued to the TV, unaware of his daughter’s panic. Heart racing, Riley called Mackenzie again, but there was no answer. Without telling her father, she ran out of the house and headed to Mackenzie’s place.

The front door was unlocked. Riley stepped inside, calling out her friend’s name. As she entered the living room, her blood ran cold.

Mackenzie was lying in a pool of blood, lifeless.

Before she could process the horror, Shane Carrington appeared, wearing his signature newscaster suit. “Don’t you know by now, Riley?” he said, flashing a smile. “You know how much my fans mean to me.” He held up a packet of FANtastic Flavorfuls, pulling out a single gummy candy. Blood oozed from his mouth as he ate it.

“I think you know now, Riley...”

Riley woke up screaming, drenched in sweat. Was it a dream? A nightmare? It had to be... didn’t it?

Terrified, she stumbled into the living room where her father was still watching the news.

“Dad?” she whispered, tapping his shoulder.

His head fell back.

His throat was slit.

Riley ran out of the house screaming and screaming.

Fictional Story Written By Zainab Ali..

Monday, August 12, 2024

No Wrong Number

 Lucy, a widowed woman in her 60's, lived in a charming Colonial Style condominium, she had shared with her late husband Michael. The house was beautifully and meticulously maintained, with photographs of her and Michael adorning each wall--a testament to their life together..

Every morning at 6 A.M., Lucy begins her day with juice, a muffin and a walk- one of the many things she enjoyed doing with Michael. As she was about to head out, Lucy gets a phone call that started her. The Caller ID displayed an Upstate NY number, a number she did not recognize. "Hmm, weird. Who would be calling me from Upstate NY at this early hour"?, Lucy wondered.

She answered the phone.


There was a brief pause.


Lucy was about to hang up, when a voice finally answered.

"Hi, I'm so sorry to bother you this early in the morning. "

"It's OK", Lucy replied. "But who is this"?

The woman hesitated before replying. "I know this might sound strange, but I actually had a dream about your number. It was so vivid so I curiously contacted it", the woman chuckled. Lucy too chucked, at the oddity of it, but she was eager to get her morning walk out of the way, so she politely tried to conclude the conversation.

"Well, thank you, but I need to get going now", Lucy told the woman.

"Of course, you enjoy the rest of your day and once again, I am sorry for disturbing you". 

Lucy stepped outside, and saw the bright and sunny sky had turned grim and ominous as though a storm was imminent. Despite the unsettling weather, Lucy went on for her walk.

As she walked through her neighborhood, memories of Michael flooded Lucy's mind. She recalled the joyful times they shared, holding hands when going for a walk, their romantic getaways, or just watching movies at home. They had one final trip to Lake George, NY. It was their last trip as a couple. 

Lake George was one of Lucy's favorite retreats, due to its quaint and serene atmosphere. The Bed and Breakfast Inns they stayed at, was nestled in the peace and beauty of the Adirondacks. Lake George had become such a frequent great escape, Michael considered it a second home. He always told Lucy how much he wanted to leave Long Island and move to Upstate NY, where there was sentimental value. 

As Lucy continued walking, the memories of Michael felt strangely vivid, almost as though she was reliving the same exact scenario all over again. Her thoughts were interrupted by a loud roaring thunder, as the sky opened up and unleashed a terrential rain storm. Lucy hurried back to her house and ran inside. 

Once inside, Lucy grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator, and rested on the sofa. She turned on the television to watch some of her favorite Soap Operas, trying to distract herself from the dark and nasty weather. Midway through the episode, a breaking news report interrupts the program. 

"Police are still searching for the Long Island man who", the Reporter began. But Lucy did not want to hear the news because she hated its negative dominant effect. She turned off the television and went upstairs to take a nap.

A couple of hours later, around 3 P.M., Lucy's phone rings. She looks at the Caller ID and sees her friend Carla's number. It was still dark and rainy out, but Lucy needed a positive distraction by talking to her close friend. 

"Hi Carla"!

Midway through their conversation, Lucy's phone began beeping and emitting static, drowning out Carla's voice. Lucy glanced at her phone but there was no incoming call on the Caller ID. How is my phone having issues all of a sudden, Lucy thought. "Car, are you there??" 



She tried to hang up the phone so she can redial Carla's number, but the static got louder and louder and the beeping noise persisted. Lucy felt her apprehension grow. Amid the crackling noises, Lucy suddenly heard a voice-familiar, yet more distinct than the static. 

"Hello Lucy, I called you earlier before. I am the same woman who had a dream about your phone number. I am calling you again because it is imperative that I speak with you. Please, this is not a prank. I'm calling from...."

Lucy dropped the phone, her face drained of color, and her heart palpitating. The static continued, mingling with the woman's voice, filling the house with an eerie presence. 

Lucy let out a terrified shriek as the television turned on by itself...

It was the news...

::Reporter:- "A 64 year old Long Island resident, Michael Bailey, and an unidentified female, were found dead in a vacation cabin in Lake George, NY. Michael Bailey's throat was slit and the unidentified female's body was horrifically dismembered and decomposed. The police believe this heinous murder was motivated by revenge"...

The television had turned off as abruptly as it had turned on. Lucy stood in her living room, frozen with terror. She could not catch her breath. Her phone was still lying on the floor, with a fresh crack in the screen, emitting the woman's voice into the now chilling silence...

"Lucy, I really need you to answer me now. This is about Michael. I've been trying to reach out to you for the past two months so I can explain everything. You see, I didn't know. He never told me. When he finally did, he told me he was planning on getting a divorce from you, leaving you the house, and relocating to Lake George to be with me. I'm so sorry you had to find out this way.. I am so very terribly sorr----"...

Lucy let out a harrowing scream as she stomped on her phone, while screaming, screaming, and screaming. 

Fictional Story Written By Zainab Ali 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

FEAR , Forget My Name (2024)


Something sinister is on the prowl in the very same city that you reside in. It follows and follows and follows. And you want to run away but should you really try to run? Because what if a certain someone you know is in peril from some very bad people? Should you try to run then or conquer your own fear?? 

Alex Bram delivers a unique Film Noir concept with stellar performances by the cast and musical talent, while setting a very daring tone implementing rock choreography. 

10/10 Rating

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Grandma's Cookies - A Christmas Tale (2024)

Have you been nice or naughty for Christmas? I hope for your sake you have been obedient because Santa has a hidden agenda. That hidden agenda can be found in the most delicious Christmas cookies baked by none other than your favorite Grandma. Holidays at Grandmas is always a bittersweet treat with the most unsavory ingredient found in her baked cookies...

A piece of children...

Santa and Grandma made a deal that was anything but sweet. Grandma must bring Santa a child every Christmas so she can live another year after she saw Santa as a child, and saw how evil he truly is. But Santa will always love children, especially the naughty ones. The naughtier you are, the tastier Grandma Nettie's cookies will be..

You are better off just being nice rather than naughty on Christmas...

10/10 rating!!!

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Nobody Could Hear Her...

 Aimee and John, both husband and wife, slept in on the weekends. Aimee woke up at 8 A.M., with a startle while John remained fast asleep like a baby. Aimee saw her Mother coming downstairs in her and John's apartment, giggling like a grade school girl. Aimee found it very odd as this behavior was not like her Mother at all. All of a sudden, her and John's black Tabby Cat, Moonshine, began to hiss and growl at Aimee's mother. The hairs on Moonshine's back and tail stood up like a bad static effect, and Moonshine recoiled back to under the bed. A small white Calico kitten was in Aimee's Mother's arms, purring. However, Aimee's mother did not seem to acknowledge her, John, or Moonshine. "What are you doing down here, Mother"?, Aimee asked annoyingly. Aimee's mother did not respond, nor did she even acknowledge her daughter's presence. John remained sound asleep, unable to be woken. Aimee turned to look at her husband for one second then turned around. Her Mother was not there anymore. The curtain had not even moved, as though nobody came downstairs at all. That was odd, Aimee thought. Aimee tried to go back to bed, then heard commotion upstairs that came out of nowhere. "Are we having people over"?, Aimee asked herself aloud. Aimee heard her brother Jimmy, coming downstairs. Jimmy was followed by his 1 year old son, and his wife. "What are you guys doing here"????, Aimee asked her brother. Jimmy, his son, and wife, did not respond to Aimee. It was as if they did not see nor hear her. Aimee saw Jimmy look over to his wife and say something, followed by a chuckle. However, Aimee only saw her brother's lips move with no sound. John was still sleeping. This was getting strange and creepy now. Aimee shook John, trying to wake him. John would not budge. Aimee turned back around, to see Jimmy turned around, closing curtain behind him, but his wife and son were nowhere in sight. Aimee tried to follow her brother, so she opened up the curtain leading to the stairs, only to find zero trace of her brother. She called out Jimmy's name. She called out his wife's name. She called out her Mom's name. No answer. Okay, that was totally weird, maybe I am dreaming, Aimee thought. She went back downstairs to her and John's apartment, and John was gone! The bathroom door was open and the kitchen was empty. John's car was still in the driveway. "John!", Aimee cried out. No answer. "John!". This time Aimee's cry was more unsettling. Still no answer. John's cell phone was on the dresser going off. Aimee checked John's phone. On the Caller ID, it read Unknown. Aimee looked around the room in a circular and dizzying motion, causing an unusual inebriating effect. Aimee was not so sure if she was actually dreaming and unable to wake up, or if she was losing her mind. Aimee staggered to the stairs, going upstairs to where her Mother lived. Aimee held onto the railing, afraid to fall, and walked upstairs calling her Mother. She opened the door, and saw a whole new apartment she had never seen before. 

The apartment had all changed and decorated elegantly for a formal party setting. This was too highly unusual for Aimee's Mother to throw an elegant party. Aimee's mother walked from her bedroom to the beautifully decorated living room. But Aimee's Mother had completely changed! She was younger and dressed in an elegant black and white evening gown, donning diamond sequences, with diamond earrings and black heels to match. Aimee's mother had gone back in time to before she had Aimee. "Mom!", Aimee cried out. Her Mother did not see nor hear her own daughter. Aimee called out again. No answer. She walked around the elegant looking living and dining room, with the glasses of champagne on the platter all set up for guests apparently. But which guests? Aimee's mother was hosting a party which she was not invited to. All of a sudden, Aimee's Grandmother, begins to walk down the stairs. She too, was dressed wearing the same exact evening gown as Aimee's Mother. But her Grandmother was 90 years old yet all of a sudden, she reverted back in time as well before Aimee was born. Aimee's Grandmother and Mother both spoke softly and inaudible for Aimee to make out, but they both smiled at each other rather nefariously, and embraced. Aimee tried running towards them but couldn't seem to move. Her feet were stuck like cement. "What the Hell"?!, Aimee shrieked.

Aimee woke up. She felt a sigh of relief. It was just another dream that made no sense she thought. Aimee smiled then turned over only to find her husband was not there! However, she did see the same white Calico kitten from her dream. Aimee's eyes continued to widen with horror as she saw the same kitten from her dream, licking blood off its' paw...

***Fictional Story Written By Zainab Ali**

Thursday, February 1, 2024

The Husband - Short Story

 The Husband...

Nancy woke up at 4 A.M. , with her heart racing heavily and startled by the shower turning on suddenly. Her husband Steve was not right next to her which was odd. It was Saturday and he usually slept in during the weekends. Plus he always showered in the evenings so this was a bit strange. It was still pitch dark outside.  None of his belongings were packed so it did not seem like he was ready to take off and leave her in the middle of the night without telling her where he was going. 

"Honey??", Nancy called..

No answer...

"Honey??", she called a little louder for the second time..

Still no answer..

She walks over to the bathroom door and knocks. Finally the shower stops.  Steve walks out. 

"What are you doing taking a shower at this time honey"?, she asks her husband.

Steve does not answer nor does he make any eye contact with his wife. He walks right by her.  For a moment, Nancy did not even recognize her own husband. She was still feeling apprehensive.

"Come to bed babe", Steve tells her. And she does..

Nancy once again wakes up startled by the sound of the shower. She frantically looks at the time on her cell phone. It is 4 A.M.  Steve was not in bed with her. This was beginning to get really weird. She was feeling apprehensive and now starting to sweat a little. Was this a prolonged strange dream?, she wondered. She calls out for her husband.

No answer...

She does it again louder. But still no answer.

She walks over to the bathroom and knocks on the door. The shower stops. The door opens but it wasn't her husband who walked out. It was Johnny, the man she was having an affair with. Johnny walks right past her without making any eye contact and goes over to the bed.

"Come to bed babe", he tells her. And so she does.

Nancy wakes up startled at the sudden sound of the shower turning on. Her alarm goes off. It was 4 A.M. However, she does not remember setting her alarm at that time. She looked beside her but nobody was there. She is now not sure weather or not she is actually still stuck in her strange dream or if she is awake. Is she just confused? Or is she beginning to lose her mind? She calls out her husband's name.

No answer.

She calls out Steve's name again.

No answer.

She walks over to the bathroom door and knocks. The shower stops and the door opens. It wasn't Steve nor Johnny who walks out of the shower. It was Mark. Mark is Steve's best friend who has always been insanely obsessed with Nancy since she married Steve. He threatened to expose her affair with Johnny if she did not sleep with him too. 

He walks by Nancy without even glancing at her and gets into the bed.

"Come to bed babe", he tells her. So she does.

Nancy wakes up with a loud shriek at the sudden sound of the shower turning on. The alarm went off once again at 4 A.M. "Whoever or whatever is doing this, please STOP! This joke is not funny anymore"! She looks beside her and Steve is right next to her. Nancy breaths a sigh of relief. It was just a dream. A crazy prolonged dream she thought and smiled. She goes over to hug her husband and turns him over and screams...

Steve is laying in bed dead beside her. He had been stabbed to death multiple times...

Fictional Story Written By Zainab Ali..