Friday, February 17, 2017

The Most Ruthless Reporters In Horror Movies

"Violence Sells", should be the tagline for every ruthless media monster out there. It's obvious you just do it for the ratings and the money so please stop acting like you give two shits because it's obvious you give NO shits. With that being said, the nominees for the most Ruthless Reporters in Horror Movies Are.....(drum roll please)..

Tawny - Sleepaway Camp III - Teenage Wasteland

Impatient C U Next Tuesday. You are so ballsy enough to separate the rich and affluent group of kids from the poor and scummy. Who the Hell are you? You may wear a designer suit with heels and drive a flashy sports car, but a gram of turd has more class than you! 

I guess the biggest perk of being a ruthless reporter is the easy access to nose candy. I mean, heck, with the money pouring out of your butt hole, you can afford it right?

Next Nominee For The Most Ruthless Reporters In Horror Movies:

Gale Weathers (The Scream Franchise)

OK, this Ruthless Reporter has evolved and changed along with her hair color and style. But you gotta give Little Miss Weathers props. She at least was ruthless and smart enough to come out with her own best selling book! She deserves a Pulitzer Prize. In the beginning, her ruthlessness got her clobbered. Niiiiiiiiccceeeee....

And bitch slapped...

So she's gotta be doing something right if she's receiving all this backlash right?  That is until someone comes along to make her turn..well...soft...

So now, the winner is.....

You decide..

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