Sunday, December 2, 2018

The Twilight Zone - The After Hours (1960)

In an alternate universe as we have discussed before, the concept of reality does not quite coincide with our own. We cannot understand why we think the way we do or say the things we say. There is no recollection of how we ended up where we are. Did somebody shake their soda bottle with "Universe" labeled on it, popped it open and out explodes the contents of the world just like a volcano? We look around and we cannot recognize anybody. We can't even recognize our own selves. 

That is how poor Marsha ends up in a strange Department Store looking for a thimble. 

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Image result for the after hours twilight zone

Image result for the after hours twilight zone

Shell shocked much? Why is the Department Store empty with only the specific item she requested? Maybe it is a "Mannequin Mentality". Here for your viewing pleasure. Markets the best clothes and accessories of your liking. You can look but you can't touch. But mannequins have feelings too. Somewhere in that plastic body lies some sort of a need to belong.

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It is time now. It is time to accept your previous reality and enmesh that with the "trial" reality. Maybe somewhere in your journey, you will see some common ground between the world of mannequins and human beings. I mean is there really that much of a difference being that a lot of human beings can be fake and plastic too? A lot of them possess the "Mannequin Mentality"...

The Twilight Zone Marsha White 3 3/4-Inch Action Figure

To buy, please visit 

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