Sunday, January 20, 2019

Carnage - 1984 - 'Till Death Do Us Part...

Carnage: massacre, bloodbath, slaughter, mass murder...

I promise to take your life first then follow you
I promise to avenge our deaths by terrorizing the next newlywed couple who inhabit our home
I promise to make the household appliances slice and dice anybody who gets too close to them
I promise to throw a housewarming party that our guests will never forget
I promise you that we will continue this carnage
'Till Death Do Us Part...

A married couple who inhabited the house before the newlyweds moved in, engaged in a murder suicide and now they are living up to the "till death do us part" vow. Poltergeists, Decapitation, bludgeoning, electrocution, slit throat, haunted housewarming parties etc. are just one of the many perks that come with that particular vow. 

Gee, if only we can find someone who loves us that much...

How much would this old run down haunted mansion cost? I guess it does not matter since it is not the realtor who set the price but the deceased married couple who did. It cost several lives, hence, the term Carnage. Nobody messes with this power couple. Their love is unbreakable and vengeful..

Start thinking of what your wedding vows truly mean..

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