Monday, April 18, 2022

Asylum Of Satan (1972)


When we think of an evil cult leader, the initial image that pops up in most people's minds is that of a manly figure, with a goatee, horns on his head, and a pitchfork in one hand. OK that may be a dramatic figure of speech but it is a valid point none the less. What does the man with horns holding a pitchfork intend to do? 

MISLEAD. LIE. MANIPULATE. USE. ABUSE. All of this in the form of a "doctor" of a facility for the disadvantaged. A blind woman, a disabled woman, a mute man, and then a piano player named Lucina, who one day wakes up in this asylum unsure of how she got there and why she is needed there. In the end, the man with the horns and pitchfork, works towards an end goal.


Under the pretense that Dr. Specter, will convert their disadvantages, the woman in a wheelchair gets transported to a gas chamber with blood sucking venomous scorpions and arachnids. The blind girl gets escorted into the pool with venomous snakes swimming towards her, fatally attacking her. The mute man gets burned to death. 

And what does Dr. Specter want with Lucina to keep him alive and youthful? A VIRGIN SACRIFICE..

As the maniacal doctor and his servants try to do away with Lucina while she is bound and gagged, one thing interferes with their agenda. Lucina is NOT a VIRGIN.. Now not only does Dr. Specter lose his youth, but he loses his entire presence. 

One way to beat The Devil at his own game, is to do something he cannot envy and take away. With Lucina not being the assumed virgin Dr. Specter believed she was, he cannot survive. He will have no powers left. A woman's purity was the one thing the Devil could feel challenged by and was so dependent on. But sorry to disappoint you Dr. Devil and looks like your existence has now withered away to nothing.

A high and unreasonable perception did away with The Devil. It has no playground anymore to play on..

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