Monday, September 4, 2023

Butcher's Bluff (2023) - And Then There Was Hogman..


This little piggy went to the market. And THIS piggy....

Butcher's Bluff is very easy to get to but getting out is a whole other story..

Bullying continues to be pervasive amongst adolescents, where there is no rhyme nor reason, it's just kids having "fun" while avoiding being an easy target themselves. Just go along to get along and you will survive your very trying and hormonal years right? But other than anguish over being abused by their peers, what is the victim truly feeling when that anguish starts to seep into the dark crevices of their minds? No bully will ever be able to bully again and knocking them off one by one is only the beginning...

As is the case with young adolescent Alex Grimley, who got teased and ridiculed for being overweight. Enough was enough when Alex snapped and embarked on a gruesome murdering rampage against his bullies while donning a Porky Pig mask. The hog mask became his alter ego or maybe even just a mere extension of his rage which he rendered very dramatically, in an attempt to prove a point. Alex Grimly then becomes institutionalized for 20 years. Following his discharge, he becomes a recluse with his whereabouts unknown. However, people at The Butcher's Bluff start to disappear and the count accumulates..

This stuff is what awesome slashers and documentaries are made of.  However, attempting to shoot a film documentary at Butcher's Bluff will require the Hogman to direct his final cut, no pun intended. Or maybe it is.. 

In the words of Porky Pig...

"That's all folks"!

Butcher's Bluff is a true Slashic Horror movie of today with Bill Oberst Jr.'s performance leaving us at the edge of our seat as well as a phenomenal performance by the cast of the film.

10/10 Rating!

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