Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The Baby (1973)

Hush little baby don't say a word...

If you are not convinced by now that most grown men are big babies who don't need a wife but a second mother, then you will most likely learn the hard way. Who made them that way though? Whose fault is it really? 

Men like to be taken care of. And why shouldn't they be? After all, they are wired to work hard, bring home the bread and the bacon, while their wives cook, clean and nurse their offspring. For the women, it is a non-paying, time consuming, and sometimes thankless job. But it is a job with it's rewards as well. It's in the baby's nature to depend on the mother. But where does the mother's nature lie within her relationship with her baby other than the basic nurturing? A mother's love is endless and unconditional but at some point the umbilical cord needs to be severed right? A baby won't be a baby forever, no matter how badly you wish that to be...

Mother's can be crazy with love for their babies. So crazy that they will prohibit all access to growth for their children...both mentally and physically.

No matter what, you will always be Mama's big baby....

An adult man who has been head shrunken by his eccentric mother and sisters, cries like a baby, laughs like a baby, gets fed like a baby, and gets changed like a baby. There is no man other than him in the house. The mother might benefit from a man in the form of a full time husband wouldn't you say? But without her counter dependency on a man, she passes that onto Baby, her son. Why does this feel so Freudian all of a sudden?

Mama's gonna buy you a mocking bird....

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